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"The Marvelous Paracosm of Fitz Faraday and the Shapers of the Id” Facebook Live Event

Hello to all of you lovelies! On Sunday, January 22, 2017, the YA author, Aaron J. Lawler, hosted his first Facebook Live event to discuss his novel and answer questions from fans.

As I have stated in my previous review, "The Marvelous Paracosm of Fitz Faraday and the Shapers of the Id” is a novel I really enjoyed reading (you can read my full review here). It tells the story of Fitz, Hollis and Josey, and how they solve a town murder, while using technology and science.

But more than just getting to know the characters in the story, we have been fortunate to speak with Lawler on multiple occasions about the novel, his writing process and future projects. He has let us pick his brain and learn from expertise. And this Sunday's Facebook Live event helped fans that were unable to attend Lawler's previous Q&A, meet and learn from the author.

We also learned, that Lawler will be hosting an Art Contest and will be providing excerpts from "The Marvelous Paracosm of Fitz Faraday and the Shapers of the Id,” on his website for those of you who haven't picked up your copy yet (and if that's you, then... why haven't you? You are missing out. Get to it!).

And if you missed the event, don't worry, you can watch the video on Aaron J. Lawler's Facebook Page or at Lawler's website. For more information on future events, as well as finding contest information check out his Facebook Page and/or his website.

You can purchase your copy of "The Marvelous Paracosm of Fitz Faraday and the Shapers of the Id," at Black Rose Writing or on Amazon.

So now, I have some questions for you. What do you think of the Facebook Live Event? Did you get all of your questions answered? Let me know, I'd love to hear your thoughts! For now, I say good night and hope that my random ramblings have peeked your inner bookworm. ~BL

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