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"Me Before You" Review

Hello to all of you lovelies! Welcome to March! I'm really excited to discuss the latest book I've read "Me Before You," written by Jojo Moyes. This novel is full of humor and emotion. "Me Before You," tells the story of two individuals with dramatically different pasts, but because of external and random moments, their lives become intertwined. Lou (Louisa) Clark is quarky, creative and clever-- a little unconventional and definitely the type of person to do whatever it takes to help out those she loves. Will Traynor, is a successful, wealthy, adventurous and smart man. He is also a man who lost the portion of his life, which he appreciates the most. Three years ago, Will suffered from a debilitating motorcycle accident, rendering him as a quadriplegic. After his loss, Will was forced to relinquish romance, career aspirations and most of all, control of his life. Before Lou, Will knows his accident took away his desire to live. He knows everything feels rather small, joyless and he has lost the desire to even wake up in the morning. After a few attempts to end his own life, Will's parents hire Lou to be his caregiver. Lou too, knows a lot. She knows her life was mundane, predictable and a bit of a struggle. Everyday she wakes up in the same room she has for years, goes to work all day in order to help provide for her family and expects to live an ordinary life. She knows she enjoyed her former job at The Buttered Bun Tea Shop and she also knows that she no longer has anything in common with her boyfriend-- and may not love him anymore. However there are things Lou doesn't know. Unbeknownst to Lou, she was hire not only to be a caregiver and companion to Will, she was also hired to give Will a reason to live. Will's parents wanted Lou, to be a breath of fresh air for him. To give him a reason to wake up each day, instead of throwing in the towel. Over the course of their relationship, Lou and Will go from mutual disdain to a deep affection for one another. Lou brings Will out of his shell of pain and sorrow, while Will gives Lou the courage to actually live her life. I found myself connecting deeply to Lou's character. Though she and I have different objectives, her personality is something I can relate to. I like to believe, I share some of Lou's qualities-- and if I haven''t already I'd like the opportunity to explore Lou's range of emotions. I also related a lot to Will's character, in the sense that I believe we have the right to make decisions for ourselves and no one has the right to take that away from us. As I was reading, I found the arch of their relationship to be profoundly powerful. It made me rethink how even the smallest events in our lives, have the ability to shape the person we are, and the person we become. "Me Before You," also gave a new perspective on the choices people face. Though we all have problems in our lives, we also have the ability to control our own destiny and to change our mind; to make different choices or decisions-- we just need the courage or determination to do so. This was one of my favorite aspects of the novel, Moyes was able to intertwine so much longing and joy with overwhelming sadness and despair. I found myself crying uncontrollably one moment and laughing the next. I loved how Will and Lou's relationship didn't start off well, but blossomed into this truly wonderful story. As I read, I could feel the struggle Lou felt, trying to figure out a way to connect to Will, without forcing him to become her friend. But at the same time, you could sense Will's resistance in allowing Lou in. It was a constant give and take with their relationship-- Lou provided Will with joy and laughter, and small adventures that gave him some escape from his health issues. While Will challenged Lou intellectually, helped her face her fears and provided comfort and forgiveness where no one else did. Will also inspired Lou to believe in herself and live her life fully. I believe the turning point of Will and Lou's relationship happened when Will allowed Lou to shave and cut his hair. It was such a small act, but it was a scene full of intimacy and emotion. This broke down Will's walls and it gave Lou a glimpse into the man he once was. But I believe it was after Lou's birthday dinner that their relationship really came into fruition. Will came as a support system and as a friend and Lou was attempting to show Will, how enjoyable a normal evening out could be. Though to the surrounding guests, their friendship was odd (Lou was literally helping Will eat and drink--feeding him and lifting his glass to his lips), to them it was as natural as breathing. But to the others, it was awkward and far to intimate. However, it was Will's gift that really made the night memorable. Will's gift was modest-- a pair of bumble- bee tights. But it was a gift that gave Lou real joy-- as a child Lou had a pair of tights exactly like them and they were one of her favorite belongings. Now in comparison, Patrick, Lou's boyfriend gave her a necklace. Something gold and flashy-- nothing that Lou would select or wear for herself. And in that moment, I realized (even if Lou hadn't yet) that Patrick didn't really know her and Lou didn't really love Patrick. It was Will that listened to her childhood story, it was Will who respected her unique fashion sense and it was Will who put time and thought into a memorable gift.

"You only get one life. It's actually your duty to live it as fully as possible."

But I think the moment, both Will and Lou really fell for one another was at Will's ex-girlfriend's wedding. They both recognized there was something more to their relationship. And though the next few chapters were filled with many ups and downs. It was a night where they were both truly happy. There were so many amazing moments throughout the book, which really lended to the growth of these two individuals. And even though, the book ended with me in tears, I couldn't imagine a better way to conclude this story. Or at least this portion of the story. It broke my heart when I read Will and Lou's goodbye scene, but it was true to the characters--which is one thing I really enjoyed about Moyes writing. She defined each character's personality so clearly that it allowed their interactions and relationships to be unique, but she also provided each character with the potential for growth. "Me Before You," was more than just another romance. It spoke of family issues, unemployment, education, love, living life to the fullest and aid with dying. This novel had so many different layers that classifying it as strictly a romance, is limiting and doesn't do the content justice. I am looking forward to reading the sequel "After You," which continues the story. I am hoping to see Lou mature even further and to take Will's advice, love and support with her as she continues to grow.

"Don't think of me too often. I don't want to think of you getting all maudlin. Just live well. Just live. Love, Will"

What do you think? Have you read the book? Do you plan to read the second novel? If so, what are you looking forward to seeing? Let me know, I'd love to hear your thoughts! For now, I say good night and hope that the my random ramblings have peeked your inner bookworm. ~BL

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